Sunday, July 31, 2022

The Pillars of Pelagia


The Pillars of Pelagia by Chris Doyle is my daughter's favorite module so far. It's got a lot going for it. A cool setting at the rocky seaside cliff lair of a wizard, lots of thematic puzzles, an intricate, interesting dungeon map, and a high-stakes boss fight. I ran this for the Riverport Rebels in person, around a live table, and had made all the puzzles into actual hands-on escape-room type challenges. When I ran it later for the Class of  '81, I had re-invented all the puzzles into formats that could be worked in real time on the Roll20 virtual tabletop.

When I ran this for the Rebels, the hook was that Duke Orsino, their patron and employer, had sent them to deliver a mysterious note to his friend the Countess in Blue Haven to the south. Now, I'd made an actual note to give to the players. It was on parchment and sealed with red wax, so I figured my daughter, who plays a fast-talking grifter of a sorceress, would naturally pop the seal as soon as she was out of sight of the town and dig right in. 

This plan was almost foiled by my husband, playing an uptight paladin, who declared that it would be wrong to violate the Duke's trust by breaking the wax seal on the later. 

I mean, he wasn't wrong. 

Anyway, after much argument, the seal was broken and the letter was found to contain an embarrassingly bad bit of love poetry. And after much mocking and hooting, the poetry was discovered to be an acrostic telling the Countess that the Duke was in trouble and needed her help. 

So off to Blue Haven they went, and Countess sent them to seek out the wizard Arcadianus, her advisor and helper, and escort him back to Riverport to help the Duke. 

When I ran this module for the Class, I believe the hook was simply that they were supposed to seek out Arcadianus to advice on what to do with the Eye of Death, and maybe how to destroy it, since it was now in their possession and they were a little freaked out. 

SPOILERS: The players must get past an angry harpy to enter the keep, where a convoluted, multi-level keep features all kinds of interesting puzzles and challenges that will keep a party of adventurers on their toes, exploring and thinking. A trail of clues left by the wizard's pet faery dragon, Myricia, leads them on while telling them an increasingly urgent story about what's going on in the keep. 

The module as written has Arcadianus dead already, and the players confronted with having to battle a drow priestess with a contingent of koalinth and goblin sharks. Myricia has been captured and is in a cage, about to be roasted alive. 

When I ran it for the Rebels, Arcadianus was still alive, and hiding in the underwater trunk that is in the water below this chamber. When the Class ran, it was closer to how it was written and he was dead already. Also, since the Rebels consists of two kids who were pretty young at the time we ran it, no cute little faery dragons can be burned to death in front of them. This is D&D, not How-To-End-Up-Paying-For-Therapy-Later. 

Anyway, this module contains a mechanical submersible! It's supposed to only hold one person, but when young kids want to excitedly pile in and drive it back to Riverport, you let that happen. They named it the "S.S. Bumblecrab" and drove it home. 

The Class didn't do that. They used the submersible to hide the Eye of Death underwater in the ocean until they could get some intel on what to do with it or how to destroy it. They did, however, take Myricia with them when they left. 

Back to The Riverport Rebels page.


The Fey Sisters' Fate

 The Fey Sisters' Fate by Chris Doyle

This was an interesting little module I picked up from Firefly Toys and Games, the local game Mecca. I ran it for the Riverport Rebels, and then again for the Class of '81 sometime later. It makes a great "sidequest" sort of adventure to slip into a campaign. 

The premise is that a small town has gotten a distress call from its fey allies in the nearby forest. When they send militia to answer it, their soldiers disappear. The players are tasked with finding out why. 

SPOILERS AHEAD: Turns out, some frogfolk have dammed up an important creek and the lack of water has already killed one dryad. They are capturing and enslaving anyone who comes to help, forcing them to, you guessed it, work on the dam.

The players can choose to solve this problem by fighting, diplomacy, subterfuge, or any combo of the three. They will have to play referee for a dispute between a group of bedraggled naiads and a marauding bear on their way to the work camp, where they will discover that the frog folk are keeping the missing townsfolk as an enslaved workforce.

The three main goals of the module are to free the townsfolk, destroy the dam, and defeat the frog folk.

There is a weird little side thingy in there where the town's favorite militia leader is deeply motivated to get her magic sword back, but the players may or may not share that motivation. Frankly, I thought that story detail was a little weird, and the Class was fairly unenthusiastic about helping retrieve it. They chose to simply head back to town with the townsfolk. The Rebels, however, did go on and finish out the module by entering the dark, subterranean grotto where the sword was hidden.

Saturday, July 30, 2022

List of Adventures To Date

January 2020

Tomb of Crossed Words

The Fey Sisters' Fate

The one on the way to Pelegia with the hamadryad and toad/frog beings (where we didn’t go into the cave to get the sword)

Pillars of Pelegia 

April 2020

The Witch of Underwillow 

May 1, 2020 to May 8, 2020

Against the Cult of the Reptile God

May 15, 2020 

Start of the Parabor cult adventure. I can’t remember the name. I believe it was an older module that you modified for us.

I have no notes for June 2020.  ???

Ghosts of Saltmarsh: The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh

July 10, 2020 

We are heading into Salt Marsh.  So June was probably the 1st fight with the Bullywogs in the marsh on the way there.  July 10 started the Sword Coast Adventure with our solving the problem of the “Haunted House” so that Sorrow could entertain at the festival.

July 24, 2020: Rescuing Vaz.

The Brain-Gorger's Appetite

August 7, 2020 

In Riverport, when the Duke is compromised, ends with us in the Copper Mines

September 4, 2020 (1st of Tarsakh) We finally tell Joan, Vaz, Searphina and Sorrow about the Eye and Actually head to the Coper Mines. 

Scourge of the Sword Coast

Start in Daggerford (Riverport). Characters travel to Julkoun. They also stop over in Secomber, encountering another adventuring group that is taking advantage of the survivors there. 

"Journey to the Mountain" starts

September 11, 2020 

We start of the Journey to White Plume Mountain.  Adventures in Julkoun and Secomber. 

Dark Caravan

October 9, 2020

Encounter on Road with the “Circus” group and we end up freeing the Satyr

Chorus of Toads

October 16, 2020 

Head to Zelbross.  

White Plume Mountain 

October 30, 2020 

Ghosts of Saltmarsh: The Isle of the Abby

December 4 & 11, 2020  

Journey to the Mountain, returning home.

February 2021 

Clear out Julkoun of Goblins.  Learn captives taken away.. to Harpshield?

Scourge of the Sword Coast: Introduction

Scourge of the Sword Coast: Harpshield Castle 

February 26 through March 12, 2021

Scourge of the Sword Coast: Firehammer Hold

March 26 through April 9

Free the Julkounians and return them to Julkoun

Scourge of the Sword Coast: Floshin Estate

May 21, 2021 

Adventure for Darfin Floshin to get into his manor and figure out why he couldn’t. (Freeing of Shalendra Floshin)

Scourge of the Sword Coast: Phylund Hunting Lodge 

July 30, 2021 through August

September 3, 2021 Head back to Waterdeep.

Underworld Speculation

September 10 2021

Goldfish Bowl Adventure

Mini-Dungeon Tome: Level 4 Adventures


September 17, 2021 

Party finds themselves in the lair of a were-rat crime boss in Waterdeep. It gets...expensive. 

Ghosts of Saltmarsh: The Final Enemy

September 24, 2021 through October 22, 2021

Start of the Sahuagun Adventure 

Ghosts of Saltmash: Salvage Operation

November 12, 2021

Ghost Ship Adventure. We met Krell on November 19, 2021.  Krell Grohlg of Balder’s Gate, a Coastal Druid.  Krell wanted to meet with some of the Coastal Druids.  “I’m a loner.”  Parting words:  “I owe you. I’ll help you.”

Return to Underwillow

Mini-Dungeon Tome: Level 4 Adventures


December 3, 2021:  Underwillow/Fey Wood where we find out that “witches”, or rather, hags, are snatching children. We return Sandy and Summer to their home in Parabor (#14)

The Wild Beyond the Witchlight

January 2022 

June 24. 2023:  Re-enter the Temple of Merricka in Parabor to deal with Cult members again.

Other Modules run as quick adventures while traveling

Fifth Edition Fantasy #7: Deadfall

Fifth Edition Fantasy #7: The Lonely Pier

Fifth Edition Fantasy #7: A Broken Window

Islands of Plunder #1: Spices and Flesh

*From Atalaya's notes. Atalaya and Macterah take better notes than I do.

Quartermaster's Quarterly 3rd of Flamerule, 1491 (07-30-2022)


Cut Scene: Palace of Heart's Desire

  Cut scene:  Palace of Heart’s Desire, 5th of Flamerule?  Atalaya, her arm around Cirilli’s waist, followed Thinnings through the corrido...