Saturday, November 25, 2023

Cut Scene: Palace of Heart's Desire


Cut scene:  Palace of Heart’s Desire, 5th of Flamerule? 

Atalaya, her arm around Cirilli’s waist, followed Thinnings through the corridors of the palace as the group made their way towards the guest chambers.  Vasilya walked next to her on the other side, his eyes straying from the hallway ahead of him to Atalaya’s profile as they made their way through the palace.  He wanted more than anything to put his arm around her too.  But, he could feel Atalaya’s exhaustion and relief at having Cirilli once again in her embrace.  With Atalaya’s attention turned to Cirilli, Vasilya would not let his guard down as they made their way through the halls. Yes, they had defeated the League of Malevolence, but the Hags were still loose and who knew when they might reappear.  Vasilya’s hand remained on the hilt of his shortsword, his bow ready at his shoulder as his eyes roamed the space around them, watching for signs of danger… until they were diverted again to Atalaya or Cirilli.  “Safe.  My family is safe again, at least for now.  We just need to find Sorrow and Joan and bring them back and then my Clan will be whole too.   

Thinnings opened a door and gestured.  “Some of you can use this room,” he said as he looked at the group of people following him.  “We have a few rooms open, and after Zyblina frees those frozen in this area, we may have some more.  But…” He looked around fretfully, “But perhaps while we get you some food and some water to bathe in, you won’t mind sharing accommodations at first?  I’m sorry, but with things being as they have been, ….” 

“This will be fine for us,” replied Strongheart.  “Ringlerund, Mercion and I have some talking and planning to do.  We will be fine in here together.”  

Mercion nodded.  “Just so.  But food and drink will be most appreciated.”

Thinnings nodded, looking relieved that at least these three seemed to be reasonable.  

Seraphina glanced at her companions and then turned to Thinnings.   “For now, just find us a room or two and we will eat, clean up and talk.  We can spread out more once you have other rooms open when we are ready to sleep.”

“I believe… yes, the blue room also appears to be free.  Someone will bring you food and water directly,” he said nervously and could be heard muttering to himself as he turned and left, “as soon as we have anyone freed from the kitchen staff to prepare it.”

Seraphina entered the room and turned towards Vasilya.  “Easy lad, you look like you expect to see monsters at any moment.  I think that for the moment we can rest.  We have destroyed the League and I don’t believe that Zyblina will underestimate her sisters again.”  She moved further into the room and after looking around sat on the edge of the bed.  “Very nice,” she remarked, patting the mattress. “Lots of room up here.” 

After entering the room, Atalaya let go of Cirilli and shrugged her back pack off, placing it against the wall as she looked around the room.  “It will be a little crowded in here, but I don’t want us to be separated.  Let’s just stay together for now.”  She sank wearily onto the floor, sitting cross legged next to her pack.  Reaching into it, she pulled out some travel rations and her canteen of water.  “Let’s eat something.  I still think it is better to eat our own foods than anything from here.  There’s not much left, but here’s some jerky and travel biscuits.  And a few apples that we can divide to share.  Anyone else have anything?”

Tifinin, sitting on the bed next to Serephina spoke up, “I’m not sure what’s left in my pack, but there will be something.  I have some cheese left.  I’m going to save half of that for when we wake up but we can have the rest now.”

“If we have any Goodberries left, we can share those too,” said Macterah.

“Oh, I have some.  I’ve been making them as they went bad, just in case they were needed.  I knew you would find us,” said Grinda, looking at Macterah.  “Just like you taught me.  That’s mostly what Cirilli and I have been eating while we were here waiting for you.” 

Macterah smiled at Grinda.  “Good work.  We all need to eat a few.  Pass them out, okay?”

Grinda pulled out his pouch filled with berries and started counting them.  Looked around the room counting people and started handing them out.  

After accepting a couple berries from Grinda, Atalaya broke one of the biscuits in half, keeping the smaller portion and taking a small handful of the jerky.  Giving the rest to Cirilli, said, “Here, you pass this around to everyone.”

Vasilya, accepting his portion, sat down beside Atalaya, his pack already off, placed near Atalaya’s.  “I’m tired.  I wish I knew what day it was.  This unending unchanging day seems to have gone on forever.  I wonder how long has actually passed while we have been in here?”

“Who can tell for sure?  I need to get to the High Forest soon though.  My birthday is coming up and I have to be there.”  Atalaya looked concerned.  “Perhaps she will understand if I’m late.  The circumstances are bizarre and outside of my control,” she added quietly to herself.  

Vasilya’s gaze traveled swiftly around the room.  Seeing everyone else engaged in quiet conversation and eating the little food they had, he pulled Atalaya closer to him and quietly asked, “What are my you mumbling about?  Who needs to understand? Why do you need to get to the High Forest for your birthday?”

“It’s sort of a tradition, a ritual that we have.  My parents and those family members who are present and I make our way to a certain spot in the forest to celebrate my birthday.  We have been doing that for as long as I can remember and probably from before that.  There is someone we meet there.  I …. I can’t miss that meeting.”  Atalaya looked troubled.  “I wish I knew what day it was.”  

“Who are you meeting?  I don’t understand.”  Vasilya looked into Atalaya’s tired eyes and murmured in Gurish, “I’m here lubita mea.  Tell me what is wrong.” In Common he added, “and eat that, don’t just sit there looking at that food.  You are hungry.  At least you should be hungry.  Eat up.”

Atalaya shook herself and then looked down at the food in front of her.  Taking one of the Goodberries Grinda had given her, she looked at it, then at Vasilya and forced herself to actually pick it up and bring it to her mouth.  Chewing it, the flavor burst out of the berry, quenching her thirst and refreshing her mouth even as she swallowed it.  Strength seemed to course through her body and she reached from some of the jerky with more enthusiasm.  Settling against Vasilya she answered him softly in Gurrish.  “I suppose I really do need to get you and Cirilli to the High Forest too.  You need to be introduced to her.”  

“Your mother?” Vasilya guessed as he took his own advice and ate some of the food in front of him.  “You want me to meet your mother for your birthday?”

“Her too, of course.  And she will want to meet Cirilli.  I’m sure Ailwen has already told her about the two of you.”  Seeing a look of concern pass over Vasilya’s face she patted his knee and added shyly, “Don’t look so worried.  She will be very pleased to meet you.”  Atalaya stared off into space again.  After a few moments, again in Gurrish she started speaking.  “But there is another you and Cirilli need to meet.  You are both my family now and so you should be there with the rest of my family.”

Vasilya, after counting to 10 in both Gurrish and Common, reached out and turned her head towards him.  “Who are you talking about then?  Maybe you should start at the beginning.”  

A knock on the door startled everyone.  Seraphina quickly got to her feet and made her way to the door.  “Who is there?” she questioned.  

“I’m Thinnings,” came the answer.  “I have water and food for you.”  

Seraphina opened the door, letting him enter.  Behind came several sprites carrying trays of food and several buckets of water.  The food they placed on the dresser top with the water buckets on the floor nearby.  Another looked around and placed several towels on the chest.  

“I’ve cleared out the room across the hall from this one.  You can use that one too.  Right now, though, I have had a copper tub brought in and filled.  I thought that you might want to wash up before you sleep.  When you are done with it, we’ll remove it and you can use the room to sleep in.  Just call out and someone will come.  Seeing their questioning looks he added, “This is the Palace of Heart’s Desire.  Ask for what you need.  You have restored Zyblena to us.  What we can do for you, we will.”

“Ah, yes.  Our thanks.  The chance to bathe and another bed will be wonderful.  We all thank you for that.  And for the food,” added Seraphina.  She closed the door, after looking across the hall and seeing an open door.  Digging through her pack she pulled out a change of clothing and headed out.  “I’m claiming seniority.  I’ll be back shortly and someone else can have a turn.

Atalaya, looking for Cirilli, called to her softly.  “Don’t eat food from the fey while in the Feywild.  Let’s stick to what we have left.”  

Once everyone settled back into their own conversations, Vasilya turned to Atalaya again.  Taking her hand he tugged on it, gently, returning her attention to him.  “The High Forest? Your birthday?  What exactly is it you need to do?  And who are you going there to meet?”

“It’s not something I’m used to talking about.  We go to a glade not too far from where my mother used to live.  She still has her cottage out there and grows many of her herbs and medical plants there but she moved to the outskirts of Otterwell after my sister was born.  But you were asking about my birthday.  Each year on my birthday we go to meet with Sossheni.  She’s a dyraid that lives in one of the tallest ash trees I’ve ever seen.  Each year I am asked to recount what I’ve learned and done since I last saw her.  Then she takes my parents aside and talks to them.  They tried not to show it, but it used to be very stressful for them.  I would feel their stress as we made our way to the glade.  But after I spoke to her, and then they did, we would all gather together and have a lovely picnic.”  

“When my aunt and uncle came to celebrate the day with us, they also went to meet with Sossheni and were questioned by her.  Although they never seemed as stressed as my parents were.  For their twins, my brother and sister it was just a family picnic and the chance to see one of the magical beings of the forest.”  

“Sossheni has also been very kind to me, but I can sense a lot of power in her.  When I was a child, I didn’t think much about it.  She was just my special friend that I saw on my birthday.  Now… I’m not sure what’s up with this.  But whatever it is, it’s important to my parents. Even after I left home, I’ve always made my way back for my birthdays.  And we trek out to her grove, talk and eat.  I have never been able to get my parents to tell me why we do this.  We don’t do it for either Keith’s birthday or Erindril’s.”  

Vasilya took Atalaya’s hand again, as he noticed that Atalaya seemed deep in thought again.  Bringing it to his lips he kissed it lightly and then began gently massaging it.  After a few moments Atalaya focused on him again.  “You want me to meet this dryaid?  What makes you think she will want to meet me?” questioned Vasilya.

“She will.”  Atalaya looked away again, but after taking a slow deep breath, she continued, “You are as much a part of my family now as Cirilli is.  Sossheni will want to know you.  I’ve never been able to hide anything from her.  Even if I said nothing, I think that she would still know and question me.  And wonder why you weren’t there with me.”  

After a moment Atalaya added, “You don’t have to come with me if you would rather not.  Or you could come and meet my mother and sister but stay in the cottage as we went to see Sossheni.  Or you could just stay with the others in Parabor and I will just take Cirilli with me.”

“No.  Lubita mea you are not going without me.  I thought we had already settled that.  I go where you go.  But what would happen if you just didn’t go this year?”

“I don’t know.  As I have gotten older I have tried to get Sossheni and my parents to tell me why we do this, but I have never gotten an answer that tells me anything.  I just get the feeling that it is very important that I keep this meeting.  I wish I knew what the date is.  I’m glad we were able to help Ramni and free Zyblena, but …. “

“Shush now.  It’s alright.  We will go after we make our way back to Parabor.  If it is past the 7th of Flamerule she will just have to wait a bit.  Or wait until next year if the only day she will see you is on the 7th.  She knows you no longer live in Otterwell.  If she’s not willing to give you a few days' grace as to the day you see her, I think she is being rather unreasonable, don’t you.  It’s not like you are a child living a short distance from the meeting place.”  

“Well up to this year, that really hasn’t been a problem.  And I think that my mother really liked that it brought me home from my wanderings at least once a year.  But this year… things have changed.  I’ve had to grow up even more these past few months.  And I am no longer solely in charge of what I do.  It is different.  But whether or not Sossheni will understand that, I don’t know.  My father knows at least some of what we are doing.  Perhaps it will be enough if he goes and explains why I’m not there.”

“Rest now.  And don’t worry about it.  We’ll go when we can.  We’ll try to make that by your birthday.  But if not, as close to it as we can.  Stop worrying about it and rest.  I’ll let you know when it’s your turn to wash up.” 

Atalaya gave in and closed her eyes, leaning against Vasilya and tried to still her mind to enter into trance.  As her breathing quieted and stilled, Vasilya gently kissed her forehead and then turned to watch the door.  


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Cut Scene: Palace of Heart's Desire

  Cut scene:  Palace of Heart’s Desire, 5th of Flamerule?  Atalaya, her arm around Cirilli’s waist, followed Thinnings through the corrido...