Tuesday, March 1, 2022

The Tomb of Crossed Words

I picked up The Tomb of Crossed Words by Richard Jansen-Parkesup many years ago, and I've run it for several groups. It's a great one for kids and low-level players. It's not terribly combat-heavy, and it's a great puzzle dungeon!

I've got two regular D&D groups: the Riverport Rebels, which consists of my daughter, my nephew, and my husband, and the Class of '81. When I ran it for the Riverport Rebels, we played in person, and I made up actual hands-on puzzles for the kids to solve. They loved the puzzles so much that it has become my regular DMing style. The Class of '81 plays entirely remotely, so I still do hands-on puzzles, but I translate them for Roll20 use. 

SPOILERS! If you are likely to end up as a player in this module, you should probably skip this next part. 

The premise is pretty straightforward: a monk, Brother Connor, is looking for a party of adventurers to investigate a legendary shrine that was dedicated to learning and writing, but lost to time. Local legend says that fifty years ago, a group of adventurers found the tomb, but met a grim fate. Only one of them stumbled back to the village to tell of it before dying of his wounds. 

 The players must answer a riddle given by a skeletal warrior and choose the correct door to access the tomb. Inside, the players find that all the books and scrolls inside are under a curse, their inks turned to smeared and running black oil. 

Encounters include: 

A room that must be passed through by passing by stone soldiers that block the way by advancing on anyone retreating from them. 

A pool of water containing a water weird and spectral beings that can be dispelled using a hint contained in a riddle. 

A room containing a beholder with amnesia. Not kidding. Having been mindwiped, he's more confused than aggressive. I have run this module at least three times, and been a player (I was along to help a new DM run the module) in it once, and never have the players of any group failed to bring the beholder with them out of the dungeon because they felt sorry for it. The Rebels named it Avalon, and the after they followed suite, the Class found out the Rebels had named the thing already and decided to just keep the name. 

A hidden room containing the Big Bad Boss, who turns out to be the undead leader of the doomed party of adventurers that brought the story to the village fifty years prior. He gives the players a choice...answer my question and fight me alone, or fail and fight me and a swarm of animated skulls. The players may ask 20 questions for yes or no answers to figure out the solution.  Every time I run this, the players scoff that the riddle will be impossible to guess. And no group has ever failed to get it right, and often they do it without even hitting their 20 question limit. Which I love, because I kind of feel like that doing a task you thought you weren't up to is a real confidence booster. 

I tweaked the story to fit the campaign, so the doomed adventurers have become the party of friends from the Elaria's journal. In that story, Elaria had been carried to the village by the mortally injured dwarf, Ingot. He died shortly after arriving, but she survived. Decades later, she returned to the tomb and hid the Eye of Death inside, knowing the cult was no longer there and figuring they wouldn't think to return to look. The specters in the room of the pool are the unquiet and changed ghosts of her friends, and the Big Bad Boss is none other than the leader of the original adventuring party (conveniently named Rufus, to mesh with the story in the module).  

The Class searches one of the libraries and find the relic, The Eye of Death, hidden in a clay urn. They take it and the beholder, and head back to Gillian's Hill. 

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