Thursday, August 12, 2021

Headed to Phylun Hunting Lodge

As told by Atalaya 

July 30th, 2021

6th Day of Kythorn, 1491

The Hond Ebrath rocked softly in the early morning light.  

Kyle watched as Tifinin made his way across the main deck.  Tif altered his direction slightly towards the deckhand and greeted him.  

“You’re up early,” Kyle said in greeting.

“Off to find some bacon and coffee,” the halfling said smiling as he looked over the ship.  “You the only one on watch?”

“Lonnie is in the crow’s nest.  The others are down below getting some rest.  It’s been a quiet night.  No signs of the Tamarind.”

Tif grinned.  “They’d be pretty foolish to come anywhere near us right now.  I’ll be back in a bit if anyone asks.”  He strolled across the gangplank and sauntered off down the dock, searching out the smells of coffee and bacon.


Atalaya stretched and kicked off her blanket.  As the ship rocked in its berthing, she wondered if she would ever really feel comfortable onboard the Hond Ebrath.  Sitting up she looked over to Cirilli’s bunk and saw her still sleeping soundly.  She was very proud of how well Cirilli had been able to fit herself into the group during the past days.  Her bow work had exploded during the past months and she was getting stronger and more accurate every day.  Atalaya wasn’t certain whether or not she would be able to handle a long bow, but it was obviously time to introduce her to one.  If she continued to keep pushing herself as she had been Atalaya was sure that she would master the harder to use longbow as well.  Atalaya could make out the soft sounds of Grinda and Seraphina preparing breakfast in the galley. It was time to get up and start another day.  They should be able to make it to the fishing camp where they had met the boat shaped mimic today.  That would be a good stopping place and then they would be able to get to the Phylun hunting lodge the next day. 

Easing out of the bed and into her boots, she followed the smell of the brewing coffee taking her longsword, dagger and whetstone with her.  Sharpening her blades would allow her to calm and center herself before they headed out again.  


Gathered around the table Mac, Vasilya, Atalaya, Cirilli, Ivar, and Joan were enjoying the breakfast that Seraphina and Grinda had prepared for them.  Mostly empty platters of scrambled eggs and another platter with just a couple of hotcakes left on it sat in the middle of the table.  The platter that had held the bacon glistened with a few drops of grease but all the bacon strips had disappeared from it almost as quickly as Grinda had placed it down before them.  All eyes turned towards Sorrow as he slowly made his way to the table.  He looked gaunt and tired as he sat down next to Joan.  Seraphina handed him a mug full of coffee and set a plate already prepared for him which even sported a couple slices of bacon in front of him.  He nodded briefly at her, but seemed to have difficulty meeting  the eyes of the others around the table.  Cirilli glanced at Atalaya and then got up, walked over to Sorrow and hugged him.  “I’m glad you are back,” she whispered softly into his ear and then returned to her place on the other side of the table.  

Tifinin returned to the the Hond Ebrath shortly after this.  With just a slight hesitation he opened the sack he was carrying and carefully placed several handfuls of bacon onto the platter.  Then grabbing another plate for himself he emptied the rest of the sack onto it and poured himself another mug of coffee.  Seating himself near Mac he looked over at Sorrow and asked, “Are you coming with us?”

Sorrow shook his head.  “I don’t think so.  You are better off without me.”

“I don’t think so, Sorrow.  You need to come.  We need you with us and you don’t need to be alone.  You need us,” said Tif looking intently at Sorrow.  “You scared us Sorrow.  I don’t want to go through that again.”  

Taking a deep breath, Sorrow searched Tif’s face and then looked around the table, finally meeting the eyes of his teammates seated around him.  “I...I'll go with you.  I… It’s just hard.  I never realized… I thought she…”  his voice fell away as he tried to express his feelings to the others.  “I really liked Hope, and then to find out what she was…”    After a moment he added, “If you are willing to trust me again, I’ll do my best.”  

Tif smiled, “Let’s go kill something.”  Sorrow grunted and nodded to those at the table. Getting up he headed back to his room to dress for the day and gather up his pack.  


After saying goodbye to Seraphina and the crew the walk through the dock section of town and out of the city was quiet.  More and more people were seen intent on their own business, but Atalaya scanned each and everyone alert for trouble.  She was still concerned about bringing Vasilya into Waterdeep, but clearly it wasn’t safe for anyone to be left alone in Riverport.  No one seemed to take an undue amount of interest in their passage through the city, other than to occasionally skirt to the other side of the street to avoid the crowd of weaponed and intense looking travelers.  Atalaya kept Vasilya in the middle of the group, hoping that he wouldn’t be recognized.  She had no interest in having to fight either the guard or any unsavory characters that thought they could make some easy money by turning Vasilya into whatever authorities were looking for him.  As the city faded into the distance Atalaya finally felt more at ease.  Orcs, goblins and gnolls seemed preferable to having to fight Waterdeep’s guards to keep Vasilya safe and with them.  

Making it to the fishing camp by late afternoon, the group stopped.  Seeing a fishing boat tied to the pier again, Tif scampered off to see if it was just a boat or another mimic.  No coins were seen scattered around nor did it respond in any manner other than that expected of a boat when Tif prodded it.  Atalaya couldn’t decide whether or not Tif was disappointed.  Grinda and Mac started a fire in preparation for making dinner.  

Mac called everyone to dinner as Grinda added more spices to the food she had prepared.  Apparently it had smelled good enough though, for as Macterah was calling everyone, she heard sounds coming from the larger of the fishing shacks.  At Mac’s direction Myricia flew off in search to determine what was making all the noise.  She quickly notified everyone, using her telepathic speech, that there were two ogres coming around the building.  


Instantly on alert, Ivar grabbed his bow and an arrow and shot at the first ogre he saw, hitting it.  Sorrow pulling out a bit of fleece from one of his pouches and muttering some strange words under his breath gestured towards the ogres and suddenly they appeared to be afraid of something (possibly) attacking them from above.  He smiled evilly as he watched them cower.  

Grinda shot his shortbow, hitting one of the ogres while Tif put on his ring of flying to rise up above the fishing shack to see if any more ogres were coming.  As he did that he managed to hit one of the ogres with his hand crossbow bolt.  Macterah made her way over to Joan, and touching her arrows turned them into fire arrows.  Joan shot two flaming arrows at one of the ogres but her third arrow (horde breaker arrow) missed its target .  

Cirilli shoots 2 arrows (regular arrow and a horde breaker) and kills one of the ogres, yelling “Yes” as he dies.  

The other ogre lurches towards Sorrow, thrusting his spear at him, but Sorrow is able to evade the blow.  Atalaya, Ivar and Vaz then target the last ogre and in a shower of arrows he is killed (Ivar’s shot finally felling him.)

Looking around and realizing that the fight is over, Cirilli runs over to the ogre she killed and cut off one of its ears as a trophy.  Using the added strength provided by his ring of flying, and the assistance of Ivar, Vaz and Joan, they drag the ogres to the river and push them in to get rid of the bodies.  

That gruesome task completed, the group settles down to their interrupted dinner.  

Once everyone is ready to sleep/rest, Sorrow and Tif each make a magical shelter hut. The extra Goodberries are eaten and new ones made.  The night is uneventful.


7th Day of Kythorn

The day is sunny and the group wakes to birdsong.

The day starts with coffee and breakfast made by Grinda and Mac.  Myricia goes up to the top of the roof to keep watch.


Sorrow made his way slowly to the fire, still looking rough.  Reaching out he accepted the coffee that Macterah handed him.  When Mac asked him how he was feeling and what he remembered from his time with Hope, he responded by saying that he doesn’t really remember much of what happened.  Mac replied that once he is feeling better we will fill him in on what has been happening.  

After everyone has eaten and the area was cleaned up, they broke camp and continued on towards Phylun Hunting Lodge.  As we walk Joan reminded everyone that we are going to be battling gnolls and that they give no quarter.  Looking at Grinda and Cirilli she expanded on her instructions.  “Shoot to kill, shoot first and keep shooting until they drop.”

A little later Joan warned everyone that she was sensing gnolls in the area.  “They might be camping.  We need to keep an eye out for them.”

As they neared the lodge it was visible across a wide open area.  Atalaya led everyone to the side into some woods, using them as cover to let them approach from the back of the lodge without being seen.  

Once positioned behind the lodge they saw some large ugly dog like creatures (hyenas) walking around the lodge area.  They seem to be patrolling the area.  No door to the building can be seen from where they were hidden.  Atalaya asked Myricia to scout the buildings.  She was able to explain where the doors were and that there were about 7 to 8 hyenas patrolling around the lodge. 

Macterah casts the Pass Without A Trace spell and they slowly and quietly stealth towards the first building, which appears to be a stable that has been turned into a bunkhouse.  Sneaking up the a window Atalaya heard  gutteral sounds/possible talking in a language she doesn’t understand.  Looking into the window, she sees four gnolls. Quietly opening the door they sneak into the stable, closing the door behind them.  Whether or not the gnolls were aware of the door opening the party was able to fan out around them without their noticing anything.  Surprising them, they make short work of killing all four of the gnolls before they even have a chance to defend themselves.  While searching the room and looting the bodies an inner door opened and the room is flooded with more gnolls.  This battle is much fiercer with the gnolls angry at the intrusion into their lodging.  

Atalaya misfires, stunning herself and dropping her bow.  This draws the attention of several of the gnolls and Vasilya made his way over to her to protect her as she got herself oriented and found her bow.  The gnolls seemed to attack with spears and slowly inflict more and more damage.  Sorrow was able to convince one of the gnolls to crawl around on the floor with its hands over his hands held over his head.  

Ivar also fumbled his shot and slips in some gnoll blood, dropping his bow while Grinda tried to shoot another of the gnolls.  Grinda missed, as one of the gnolls stabbed his spear at Tif.  Tif managed to dodge enough to avoid a direct blow but is still nicked, and took damage from the thrust.  

A gnoll ran towards Atalaya and Boz, thrusting his spear at Boz who dodges and only took 6 points of damage from the thrust.  

A different gnoll tried to spear Macterah, but missed.

Macterah, pulled out her magic missile wand again and shot off missiles directed at the gnoll who attacked her and the one that attacked Tifinin.  All the missiles hit, angering the gnolls.   Macterah then ran to the middle of the room for a better position to attack from.

Joan shot at the gnoll that was attacking Vasilya, but her shot went astray and hit Vasilya instead for 6 points of damage.  

Tif took a swing at the gnoll attacking him and missed, but hit him with his hand crossbow bolt doing 8 points of damage. 

Yet another gnoll ran at Ivar, attacking him with his spear and did another 4 points of damage to Ivar.  

Vasilya, sword drawn, swings at the gnoll attacking him, but missed.

Another gnoll joined the skirmish and moved into position to attack Vasilya and Atalaya.  He tried to spear Vasilya but Vasilya was able to dodge out of the way of the thrust.  

The gnoll attacking Tif, thrusts his spear at him again, stabbing Tif again, this time for 5 points of damage.

Cirilli cast Hunter’s Mark on one of the gnolls and shot at it, but missed her shot.  

Sorrow bounced across several of the cots and then cast Hideous Laughter on one of the gnolls who were attacking Vasilya.  The gnoll starts laughing and is unable to continue fighting.

Ivar, using his bow, shot another arrow at one of the gnolls, but missed.

Grinda pulled out his sling and flung a stone at gnoll attacking Tif.  The stone missed.

One of the gnolls turned toward Tif, thrusting at him with its spear, but missed as Tif was able to evade the thrust.  

One of the gnolls ran at Cirilli, backing her into the wall as he thrust at her.  Cirilli squeaked as the spear narrowly missed her leg.  

Macterah fired off several more magic missiles, killing one gnoll and hitting another.  

Joan also bounced across the cots to get a better shot. She shot at the gnoll Mac had just sent the missiles at, killing him and then shot a second arrow at one of the gnolls attacking Tif.  

Tif swung at the 2nd gnoll attacking him, missed but then shot it with his crossbow doing 7 points of damage.  The gnoll staggers back, bleeding.

Atalaya has finally stood back up, gathered her bow and then took a shot at one of the gnolls attacking Vasilya.  She kills it and then turns and shots again at the gnoll who is laughing due to Sorrow’s spell, causing 10 points of damage.

Vasilya shot that gnoll again and it fell down dead.

The gnoll attacking Tif tries again to stab him with its spear and connected for 7 points of damage. 

Cirillia moves her Hunter’s mark to that gnoll, shots and kills it.

Sorrow runs over one of the gnolls’ dead body, and casts Hideous Laughter again, this time on the gnoll that was still after Tif.   The spell does not take effect.  Ivar shots at the same gnoll, and killed it.

Looking around everyone realized that there were no more gnolls to fight. 

        Mac and Atalaya tended to the wounds of those who had been hurt during the fight.  The group quickly pick up all the spent arrows and loot the bodies.  They find the equivalent of 75 gp.  

Deciding that the fight had taken a lot out of them and that they needed a short rest to be ready for whatever was to come, the group barricaded the doors and settled down to rest and recover from the fight.  

    Session Ends


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