Thursday, August 12, 2021

Cut Scene: Return to the Grove, 23rd Day of Mirtul


By Katrina

23rd of Mirtul, 1491    Julkoun

Atalaya walked outside the door of The Jester’s Pride and leaned on the wall.  Looking around this section of the village she smiled to herself as she saw that the survivors of the Firehammer Mine and the villagers who had taken refuge in both Riverport and Secomber were still celebrating finding each other alive after so long a time.  Watching their faces as they sought out friends and family and seeing a few finding each other again made the arduous work from the past couple of weeks worth it.  

Speaking with Sir Istevan and Kelson had not been reassuring for her.  It was good to know that there were others besides herself and her friends that were taking the threat of the Red Wizards showing so much interest in this area as seriously as they were.  But at the same time it drove home the fact that they had been right to be so concerned about the threat that the wizards presented.  Atalaya sighed and longed briefly for the easier days, when life seemed so new and glorious as she traveled through the woods and mountains at her father’s side.  Her biggest problems had been to understand all the woodlore that he was trying to pour into her at a rate that would satisfy him and to keep up with him without alerting all the woodland creatures to her passage through their forest homes.  

The afternoon sun peaked out from behind the slowly moving clouds and birdsong could be heard from around the less populated areas of the city.  Atalaya listened, identifying each as they chirped and warbled. They had gotten everyone to Julkoun safe and sound.  Tomorrow they could head for home and then on to Riverport to reunite with the rest of their family.  During the past week Atalaya had only been able to spare short random thoughts about those that had not come on this particular quest.  Now, she had time to wonder how Cirilli was and about what Joan had been teaching her while she was gone.  It bothered her that she had had so little chance to train the girl herself.  But Cirilli’s skills had been growing steadily with her time spent with Ivar’s family, with Seraphina and now hopefully with Joan.  There was plenty of woods to explore around Riverport and she was confident in Joan’s skills.  She had watched Joan during their travels.  She could see the hand of Master Elaria in her skills, and mayhaps those of another.  Or perhaps that was just Joan’s own personal style.  But Atalaya trusted her with her own life and the lives of those who were dear to her.  Cirilli had been in good hands.  But still, she longed to see her again and to take her training in hand herself.  A trip into the High Forest would be so good for both of them.  With a start, she amended that thought.  It would be good for Cirilli, Vaz and herself.  Yes, she had reasons to take both of them into the High Forest.  Soon, she promised herself.  We will go soon. 

Hearing the others walking out of the tavern, she brought herself back to the here and now.  Seeing Ivar and Kelson she motioned for them to join her.  Looking into Ivar’s eyes she stated, “I have something that needs to be done before we leave tomorrow.  Will you both join me at Oyfanen’s Grove?  

Kelson looked puzzled, quirking his eyebrow at her.  “Whose grove?”  “You need me to go with you?”

Ivar also looked like he didn’t know what Atalaya was talking about.  “Of course I’ll go with you,” he stated.  “What’s up?”

“We need to let Oyfanen know that those taken captive have been returned, at least some of them.  And we have our finds from both Harpshield and Firehammer Hold to be interred.”  Turning her gaze to Kelson she added, “We found many disturbing things during the past weeks, but the worst was a necklace of elf ears worn like a badge of honor around a particular deplorable orc’s neck.”  Seeing the horror and fury on Kelson’s face, she continued, “His neck no longer has need of adornment of any type, rest assured of that friend Kelson.  But unfortunately this is not the first such atrocity we have found.  I wanted to place it to rest with the others that the Dryad Oyfanen watches over.  We also found some teeth; human, halfling and dwarven at Firehammer set aside for unknown purposes.  I thought that those could also be put to rest there.  We were not able to do anything for the bodies that we found, so perhaps this can stand for all who fell at Firehammer.  

Ivar, understanding what Atalaya was talking about now, placed his hand on her shoulder.  “Yes, of course I will go with you.  Should I get the others?”

“No.  Let them continue to talk with Sir Istevan and see to the settling in of our charges.  I would like to find James and the sisters Shonda and Jiminah.  James should know about Oyfanen and he can reassure her that they have returned.  The clerics should also be aware of her presence and can maybe help to hallow the ground where we have placed the remains.  I will let Vaz know where we are going and see if he wants to join us.”

Ivar smiled and tried very hard to not laugh as he turned his face away from Atalaya’s. “I think you already know what Boz is going to want to do.” Then he added, “I believe that James and Milik were checking out the fortifications that the goblins set up and looking for any other surviving guard members.  I’ll go look for them.”  Ivar set out to cross the bridge to the other half of the town in search of them.  

Turning to Kelson, Atalaya said, “You don’t have to come if you don’t want to.  But I thought that you might want to help us honor the memory of the elves whose lives were lost.  It seemed fitting to me that those with elven blood be there to remember and honor them.”

 Fire was still spiking out of Kelson’s eyes as he stated with firm quiet authority, “I will accompany you.  Let me tell Istevan that I am leaving with you, and why.  I’ll be right back.”

“You can meet us at the West Gate.  I’m going to look for Vaz, Sister Shonda and Sister Jeminah.”  

Atalaya entered The Jester’s Pride with Kelson, but continued on through it when he stopped to talk to Istevan.  Seeing Vasilya talking with some of the others, she motioned for him to join her as she  headed for the corridors behind the taproom.  Vaz quickly excused  himself and followed after her.  “What’s up?” he asked.  

‘I’m heading back to the Grove to bury the ears and teeth we collected on our last couple of adventures.  I’m taking a few others with me, but thought that you would want to come with me.  If you don’t or if you have things that you need to do with the refugees or Sir Istevan, that’s okay too.”  

“You know that you are not going off without me again, right?” Vaz stated with a fierce scowl.  He quickened his steps slightly so that he was walking right next to Atalaya.  Placing his hand on her shoulder he stopped her and turned her to face him.  “I need to know that you are safe.  I …”

“I know.  That’s why I asked if you wanted to come with me,” she said, breaking into Vaz’s concerns.  “Come with me, we will find the clerics and then meet the others at the West Gate.”  Tugging on his hand she headed towards the chapel.

As they crossed over the bridge to the annex on the other side of the moat Atalaya averted her eyes from the spot where she had cut down the killed Chauntean priest on their first trip through the Julkoun.  Heading down the hallway to the small defiled chapel where she had left the two clerics she felt a lessening of the ominous heaviness that she remembered from her last visits to this place.  Clearly Shondra and Jeminah were already hard at work restoring this sacred space.  Stopping just outside the open doorway Atalaya checked to see if her entering would disturb the two clerics.  They seemed to be having a conversation about the deep gouges and chiseled filth that had been left on the walls.  Atalaya cleared her voice, alerting them to her presence and then entered the chapel.  

“Hello Atalaya and Vasilya.  Do you need us?” questioned Shonda.  

“Yes. I would like you both to come with me.  I have someone I would like you to meet.  And I have what remains of a few of the marauders’ victims that need to be properly laid to rest. I’m sorry, it will involve a little more walking but…”

“What do you mean, ‘What remains’?” asked Sister Jeminah.

Averting her gaze, “I mean, some ears and teeth.”  When she saw the shocked expressions on their faces she stopped.  Quickly backtracking she added, “I don’t think that they are from anyone in Julkoun.  The ears are all elven.  And came from Harpshield Castle.  The teeth…. Well I really don’t know.  They seem to be a mixture of dwarven, halfling and human and they were found at Firehammer Hold.  I don’t know why they were being kept or where they originally came from. I wish that I could tell you that none of these came from anyone from here, but the truth is that I just don’t know. But I do know that they deserve to be laid to rest with reverence.  Both they and those who loved them deserve that.” 

Sister Jeminah patted Shonda's hand.  “Peace child.  Yes, it’s terrible to think about, but we can be of service.”  Turning to Atalaya she asked, “When do you wish to do this?  Right now?”

“Yes.  I would like to have you back here before nightfall if at all possible.  We will be heading back to Riverport in the morning.  We left some of our friends there, and our young wards.  We really need to get  back to them.”

“Of course you do, my dear.  Give us just a moment to get ready.”  Sister Jeminah pushed herself up from the floor where she had been inspecting the defiled walls and made her way over to the bucket of clean water that was placed on one of the pews nearby.  Rinsing her hands she looked down at her torn and dirty robes,  “We no longer have the proper vestments, but I’m sure that Chauntea will see only the intent and not worry about the details.  Come Sister Shonda, let us go with Atalaya and Vasilya.”


Approaching the grove, Atalaya and Ivar noticed a slight movement in the trees above them.  Without thought they both grabbed their bows and shot at the dark menacing shape.  Three arrows hit their targets almost simultaneously and the small red eyes blinked closed for the last time as a darkenbeast fell from the tree in front of them.  The eerie light from its luminous bones faded away and suddenly a large black and white cow stood before them.    Its confused mooing made Atalaya smile.  “Well, that’s another of them.  Let’s bring it along.  It can visit the grove with us. We can bring it and our previous spy back to the village when we leave.”  

A few moments later they entered the peaceful glade, Sister Jeminah leading the cow as she followed behind the others.   

 Looking around him, Kelson gave a slight shiver as he felt the presence of another being in the glade.  “What…” he started as he reached for his bow.  Atalaya placed her hand on his arm, stopping the movement.  “Calm.  There is naught to fear here.  This place is well protected.  Come, it is time for you all to meet Oyfanen.”  Atalaya and Vaz headed towards the big oak tree that stood tall and straight in the southwest part of the grove, Kelson and the villagers close behind them.  Ivar, gave one final searching look back through the forest before he turned to follow the rest towards the dryad’s tree.   

Sunlight glittered through the leaves casting dancing shadows across the ground in front of the large oak.  As they approached a breeze swept through the glade and the branches of the oak tree swayed back and forth frightening several songbirds which swooped by the party as they made their way forward.  James ducked instintctively as a brightly plumed hepatic tanager flew past his head.  It’s soft red feathers rustling his hair as it sped away.  

Atalaya raised a hand, indicating to the group to hold their position as she made another step forward and bowed.  Looking up, Atalaya saw Oyfanen stepping out from the oak’s trunk.  “I greet you, Mistress of this place.”  Watching as Oyfanen took a step forward she added, “We have returned, bringing many of the Julkounians back with us.  The town is once again the home to those whom you missed.  I hope that this pleases you.”

       Oyfanen smiled at the three adventurers.  Then looked around for the rest of the party.  “Where is the druid?  And the rest of your company?  They did not die to bring my villagers back to me, did they?”

“No, milady,” answered Vaz, bowing in turn.  “They remained in the town, helping those that we just brought back to find friends and relatives and to organize themselves to take the town back to themselves.”  

Ivar, also bowing, greeted the dryad, “They send their greetings and thanks with us.  We are most grateful that you told us of those who had been taken captive.  We were able to save many of them.”

Atalaya nodded.  “That is so.  And we have brought these three here to represent those that you saved with your words of concern.  This is James.  He has become a leader of the townsfolk that we returned to the village.  And these are clerics of Chauntea, Sister Jeminah and Sister Shonda.  Both priestesses made formal bows to the lithe and beautiful spirit that gazed intently at them.  Their eyes shone with wonder at seeing such a creature for the first time.  

James seemed slightly taken aback by the figure standing in front of him and belatedly made his own rather jerky bow.  “I greet you Lady.  And if it was indeed your words that sent these heroes out in search of us, you have my deepest thanks.  We could not have lasted much longer in the mines where we were taken.  So you have my thanks and pledge that I will help you in any way that is within my abilities if you need me.  All of us are so grateful to be home again.”

Oyfanen smiled as she looked over those standing before her.  “And this elf?  Who is he?  I don’t believe that he is from Julkoun.”

Kelson, taking a deep breath and mentally shaking himself, stepped closer, bowed deeply and looking into the dryad’s eyes said, “My name is Kelson.  Kelson Darktreader.  I greet thee, great lady.  I am but a guide and aide to the people of Julkoun who have returned after their flight to Riverport.  I am honored that you choose to speak with us.”  Shooting an amused but also slightly put upon look at Atalaya he whispered to her, “You could have warned me.”  

Gesturing to them to seat themselves on the ground Oyfanen turned towards her tree and reaching in, brought out a tray with mugs of a fragrant herbal tea.  After giving one to each guest she seated herself with her visitors.  She spoke, her voice a soft lilting cadence that seemed to match the rustling of the trees around them, “My forest friends have brought word of the return of the townsfolk.  I am glad that you have come to bring me this news as well.  The weapons that I have watched over are here and safe.  As is the cow.  I’ve seen signs of other watchers, but they dare not come into this grove. I see that you have ‘found’ another cow.  Will you want to leave it here also? Or, are you planning to return these beings to the people of Julkoun now?”

“We will return them to the villagers.  There is little left for them in the town.”

“And will the villagers continue on as before?  Will you keep the goblins and orcs from terrorizing my forest.  And will you keep your axes and farming implements far from my grove?”

“Yes, my lady,” said James.  “We will do this for you. I did not know of you before today, but I promise that our children’s children’s children will revere this forest and consider it a holy place, not to be disturbed in any way.”

Looking at the priestesses of Chauntea she spoke again.  “And what of your goddess?  She is known to me.  She seeks to settle the wild lands, turning the forests into fields to grow her bounty.  Do you also promise me that my forest will remain standing, a place of safety for the wild animals of the woodlands and for myself?”

Taking a deep breath, Sister Jeminah stood and answered Oyfanen.  “My lady.  It may be true that there are times when Chauntea and Silvanus differ on what is best for a given area, however, Chauntea is also concerned about all nature and has many ties to those who also share this concern, including Mielikki and Shaiallia.  We who are devoted to her understand that all the lands cannot be put to the plow.  There must always be balance.  We will promise to teach the people of this village that these woods must remain a wilderness and refuge for the creatures of this area.  And that they are responsible for providing this refuge to them just as they needed refuge from the goblins that drove them from their homes.  We will do our part to keep you safe, in remembrance of your help to bring us home.”  Bowing to the dryad, Sister Jeminah sat down again and waited to see what would happen next.

Oyfanen returned the sister’s bow.  “I thank you all.  I have loved the people of Julkoun for many many years.  They are good people.  I am glad to have met you and happy to have reached this understanding with you.  As long as you keep this bargain, as long as you keep the axes and plows from my forest and honor all that live within it, we shall have peace between us.  And I will do all that I can to keep your enemies from approaching you through this forest.”

They all sat, sipping their tea as the wind continued to softly rustle through the branches above them.  Birdsong had returned to the glade and the sound of cows mooing was also heard.  As they sat, peace filled each of them, lightening the pain each carried in their spirits.  After time had  passed, Atalaya again looked into Oyfanen’s eyes.  “We have one other sad responsibility to perform while we are here, with your permission.”  Seeing that she had Oyfanen’s attention, she continued.  “I… we would like to bury another necklace of elven ears with those that we already have   laid to rest here.  And a handful of teeth also.  It seems that there have been many victims of the evil ones that have been raiding the lands here in the Delimbyr Vale and along the Sword Coast.  I wish to give these at least a peaceful rest, if you will permit it.”

“Of course, child.  Let them rest with the others.  They shall have peace here.”  Atalaya nodded her thanks to Oyfanen and rose, gesturing to the others to follow her and led them to the rock where they had buried the other grimsome relics.   Reaching into her backpack to find a metal cook bowl to use as a scoop, she quickly dug another hole near to the previous spot.  Then pulling out the pouch containing the elven ears and another with the teeth that had been found in Firehammer Hold she handed them to Sister Shonda.  “Please, will you hallow this ground and see that they are safely laid to rest, that  no malfeasance lingers upon them.”  Then she stepped back and waited while the clerics conferred.  

Sister Shonda took the items and passing her hands over them seemed to seek a place deep inside herself.  Her hands glowed as she softly spoke over the pieces of teeth and ears and they seemed to shimmer slightly.  After a moment or two the light left the priestess’s  hands and the items in them returned to their normal state.  Sister Shonda swayed slightly and then spoke with a quiet voice.  “No evil remains in them.”

While this was happening Sister Jeminah had knelt by the hole and made the sign of Chauntea over the land as she prayed.  When Sister Shonda was ready, she took first the necklace of ears and then the teeth, placing everything reverently into the space that she had hallowed.  Then covering them with the earth piled beside the hole she stood and led the group in another short prayer.  Tears gathering in Kelson’s eyes he murmured, “I wonder how many of my missing friends we buried today.”  Kneeling, he pressed his hand to the earth.  “Be at rest.” Then he stood and walked back to Oyfanen’s tree.  

Ivar, looking very solemn, followed Kelson and stood silently beside him.  Vasilya placed his arm around Atalaya’s waist and slowly guided her back to the tree also. No one spoke for several minutes until the priestesses returned from the gravesite.  

Taking a deep breath, Ivar turned to the others.  We need to retrieve the weapons and then head back to the village.  It would be best to get there before nightfall.”


As the sun was setting a cry went out from the watchtower at the western gate.  “They are returning,  I can see them,'' cried an excited teen, Sully Coopersmith, who had agreed to stand a watch at the town’s entrance.  Quickly the news spread through the village and as Ivar lead the weary group through the town gate Macterah, Tifinin, Jekk and Sir Istevan were there to greet them. 


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