Saturday, July 24, 2021

Erris Dawnforge's Journal

This was written by me shortly after my players finished The Master's Vault. I decided to write out the journal mentioned in the module, and use it as sort of an "escape room" type puzzle to send my players along to the next leg of their adventure. 

The journal came with a strange, magicked map. I told the players that the black lines and names floated just above the map's surface and could be moved. 

If the players took the time to read the journal (they did indeed!) they would learn where each of their teacher's friends hailed from. The line from the journal says "The Eye has been stolen by the Pact of the Lich and hidden away in the library near the place my loved ones' paths cross." So if the players moved the name markers over the corresponding hometown, the lines would cross in one spot. 

I set this up by making an actual map page in Roll20, and then setting the little named tower markers with the lines as tokens on the token layer, and presented them as simply lying on a sidebar. Then I gave all the players permissions on the token so they could move them themselves. It was a little twitchy, specifically because the tokens were big and my players weren't used to grabbing tokens layered over each other, but with a little help from me in grabbing and moving them, they were able to work the puzzle just fine. 

 Erris’s Party:

Erris Dawnforge

Kay Palantir (half elven bard, who incidentally, is still alive in Riverport and who lost part of his memory of this.)

Ingot Stonebottom (a dwarven battle cleric, who is the same dwarf that stumbled dying into the pub in the Tomb of Crossed Swords)

Rufus Setter (a human Lore bard and swordsman, now a lich guarding the Tomb)

*Axellia of Daggerford, a human Wizard.

*Roscoe Stoutfoot, a halfling rogue

*Elahir Oakenheel, an Elven Ranger

Eyenafer of Tyr, a dragonborn Paladin

1441 The Claw of Winter, 15

Axella has determined that the Eye of Death is in the possession of a cult of Vecna known as the Pact of the LIch. The artifact is a Lesser Eye, thank goodness, but that doesn’t mean it’s any less dangerous. We had feared that it was, in fact, the dreaded Eye of Vecna, but that is no longer thought to be the case.

The Eye has been stolen by the Pact of the Lich and hidden away in the library near Gillian’s Hill. What the cult is doing with the library is anyone’s guess. But we knew we had to get it away from them, because we knew great evil would come of allowing such a corrupt sect access to such a powerful artifact.

1441 The Claw of Winter, 16

The library, long a haven for scholars and scribes for centuries, is in ruin, the scrolls and tomes therein ruined by foul magic. I thought Axella and Rufus were going to be sick when they saw the defilement. Such knowledge gone and ruined. For Axella, being a great scholar of Wizardry, and Rufus, of the Bardic College of Lore, it is all too much. It’s here where we make our stand. 

1441 The Claw of Winter, 17

Axellia and Elahir are dead, and Eyenhafer, always the hero even to the end, died trying to shield them. There wasn’t much left of her. May she rest in peace. The Cult took great pleasure in finishing her off. Dear, valiant Elahir made a heroic last stand, even shot with arrows and clearly breathing his last. He made our people proud. His last arrow found its mark in the heart of one of the foul necromancers.

I must get word back to Waterdeep about poor Axellia. She will be missed, and Waterdeep will be bereft of their finest wizard.

1441 The Claw of Winter, 18

Thank Mystra for dear Roscoe’s nimble halfling fingers. Our quest would have been for naught if not for him. It was he who got the Eye out of the library, with Kay shielding him with what magic he had left. It cost them both their lives, alas. I only hope their sacrifices were not in vain. The sight of Kay’s shattered lute, crushed on the blood-stained stones beside their still bodies, broke me. 

1441 The Claw of the Sunsets, 1

I am told that Ingot somehow managed to get back to Gillian’s Hill and died shortly after arriving there. I never imagined that stout Dwarven heart would ever stop beating. I suspect he carried me there as well, as I awoke back in the hamlet, with no knowledge of how I got there, and Ingot dead. My memory of what happened is strangely dim, like bits are missing.

And as for my poor, dear friend Rufus, so proud and reliable. I know he died in the library. I saw his body, torn and pierced beyond all hope. My heart is broken for him. I cannot say what had happened to him before that dreadful end overtook him. He was the rare sort of human one doesn’t mind following into battle. But something about the place got to him. Something about him...I don’t know what.  Some look in his eyes I’d never seen before. Something about him made me afraid. 

1441 The Claw of the Sunsets 10

Alas, my attempts to retrieve the bodies of my beloved companions have been for naught. The only one of us I was able to honor with a civilized burial is dear Ingot. My one comfort is that I was able to return his body to his dwarven brethren. I fear Roscoe and Kay were defiled by scavengers, and as for those who met their end inside the library, all that was left was their blood staining the stones. Clearly, they were dragged off by whatever fell beings still inhabit that cursed place. 

1481 The Feast of Midsummer

What a delightful festival this year. I admit, the presence of students to attend it with me has been a wonderful reprieve from my loneliness. While I would never admit to favorites, I will confess to myself that this summer’s students have pleased me beyond all others. They very much remind me of my own lost chosen family. 

1489 Summertide 1

I have been contacted by one Brother Connor, a priest of Deneir, about the library. I have mixed feelings about it. I have long wanted to cleanse it.  The Pact of the LIch has abandoned the place, but their defilement remains. It certainly follows that a Deneirian Brother should have a vested interest in recovering the library. I would like that, too. It would honor the blood of my fallen brethren. I shall endeavor to get a party of trustworthy comrades in order. Truth be told, it’s all I have thought about of late. I could rest easy if I could accomplish this last goal. 

1489 Summertide 5

I fear that the Pact of LIch has tracked me to the Vale in search of the Eye. I will have to be on my guard. I have very few allies here, and that is by design. The fewer people know the truth of my identity, the better. However, they are determined, and the possibility that they will catch up to me must be considered. 

1489 Highsun 20

Damn, but it’s hot. The summer heat shimmers on the water like a fever-dream.

I have scouted out what will likely be one of my final adventures, and while doing so have hidden that which must remain hidden in the very wake of the Enemy’s passage.  We have come full circle, it seems, as I doubt they will check their own pockets.  The Guardian will keep close watch, as it has always done.  And the Pact will come here to the Vale, looking for me.

The thought gives me a great deal of perverse pleasure. 

1490 The Feast of the Moon

They come. 

I am ready. 


Getting the Band Back Together and Heading to Waterdeep

As recounted by Atalaya 

July 23, 2021

2nd Day of Kythorn, 1491

Shaking off her trance state in the small room at the Green Goblin, Atalaya Loravaris stretched and slowly allowed her awareness to take in the sounds and odors of the space she was in.  She was aware of the smells of the different foods served by Aristotle that seemed to permeate the very walls of the room. 

She felt the comforting warmth of Vaz lying next to her, his breath lightly brushing across her cheek.  A soft, reddish glow lit the far corner of the room as the last embers in the fireplace pulsed slowly.  Atalaya stretched again and removed Vaz’s hand from around her waist, trying to ease herself from the bed.  Vaz blocked her way, lying between her and the edge of the bed.  With a sigh, she flipped around and crawled off the foot of the bed.  After making use of the chamber pot, she searched through her pack for some clean clothing.  A quick rinsing using the water from the ewer and basin in the room, and she was dressed and moving silently out of the room.  

Peeking into the end room, she saw that Ivar was also awake, sitting up in his bed near the door, slowly and carefully sharpening the blade of his shortsword.  The sound of the blade being pulled along the stone was raspy, but he worked slowly and the sounds were not bothering any of the others sleeping in the room.  Searching for Cirilli, Atalaya saw her curled up on her side in the bed in the farthest corner of the room.  In sleep, she looked younger and so very innocent.  Her heart hurt for the child who had been forced to grow up far too quickly. Atalaya breathed a soft prayer for her, and nodding to Ivar, moved towards the room Macterah, Grinda and Myricia rested in.  Hearing nothing but the sounds of slumber, Atalaya returned to her room, grabbed her fletching kit from her pack and headed to the bench that was positioned at the head of stairs. 

Gathering her tools, she pulled out each of her recently-used arrows, searching for any signs of wear and replacing fletching as needed to be sure that each and everyone of them would fly true when she shot it.  She was so accustomed to this work, that while she was thorough, she was still able to maintain a watch over her friends and to worry about the strange behavior that Sorrow continued to exhibit.  Sorrow was not himself.  He would never have said the things that he had or walked out on his friends, especially not on Joan, if he was in his right mind.  But try as she might, she couldn’t decide how to help him, other than to eliminate Natyssa.  The more she considered the facts that they had gathered and what she had seen for herself during the abortive dinner with Duke Orsino, she was sure that Natyssa was the key to many of the problems here in Riverport and for Sorrow.  As she mused on the facts, the more convinced she became that Natyssa and Hope were one and the same person.  And that she was evil and needed to be eliminated.  But how to do that, especially without destroying Sorrow in the process, Atalaya had no workable ideas.  Frustrated, she reached for another arrow, searching the shaft for any signs of cracks.


Atalaya heard the sound of the door opening below her and people moving into the kitchen area of the tavern below her.  Aristotle's low voice could be heard mumbling, or maybe singing, to himself as he stoked the kitchen fires and then the sounds of breakfast preparations.  As soon as Atalaya detected the smell of coffee, she collected her arrows and returned them to her quiver.  Gathering her kit, she returned them to her room.  Softly calling Vaz’s name, she leaned in and gave him a soft quick kiss on his cheek as he opened his eyes.  “It’s morning sleepyhead.  I’m going to get some coffee.”  

Vasilya’s hand reached up, and grasping her arm, he pulled Atalaya back down to him bringing her mouth into reach. He kissed her deeply and then released her.  Looking around he noticed just the beginnings of a lightening to the night sky coming from the window.  “It’s too early, come back to bed,” he pleaded.  He sighed in defeat as Atalaya just chuckled softly and kissed him again, this time on his forehead.  

“No, we have to get an early start of the day.  We’ve plans to make and some shopping that needs to be done before we head out again.  Join me downstairs when you are ready for the day.”  Caressing his face, she pulled back and headed for the kitchen and the mug of coffee that was calling her name.  


About an hour later, everyone, minus Sorrow, was gathered in the large tavern room around the central table enjoying one of Aristotle’s delicious breakfasts.  Coffee filled the mugs up and down the table and both Atalaya and Macterah were enjoying yet another mug of the stuff as they talked about what they needed to do next.  Replacing their healing potions was high on Mac’s list of what needed to be done.  She was slightly appalled at the number of potions that had been used while freeing Darfin’s sister from the influence of the demon Baazka.  Searching through her notebook she kept on the group’s finances, Mac stated that there was plenty of money to replace the used potions and that she really wanted to get that done first thing.  Of course, a trip to the bank would be needed first to gather the needed coins for that.  

Tifinin, looking sadly at the now empty platter of bacon, chimed up saying that he wanted to get more of the enhanced crossbow bolts.  Talking that over, they decided that both Cirilli and Grinda also were ready to have a few of the magically enhanced arrows.  As these were items to benefit the group, they would also be paid for from the group funds.  Cirilli and Grinda both beamed with pride as they realized that they were going to be trusted with the expensive arrows.  

Finishing breakfast, they gathered their packs, paid for their lodging and meals, and left to complete their errands.  Atalaya kept a careful eye out for trouble throughout the morning, especially vigilant once they left the bank with the extra coins needed for their purchases.  She was very glad that they had the Bags of Holding to lessen the weight of the many coins.  

Val’s shop was as interesting as always.  Val, known to the residents of Riverport as “Val the Black”, was whispered to be a witch by the populace of Riverport.  Atalaya and the rest of the group knew her to be a skilled practitioner of magic, who maintained a shop full of useful items for those wanting a life of adventure.  They already relied heavily on her healing potions.  Val smiled widely as the group crowded into her small shop.  “Let me guess, you are here for more of my healing potions?”  At Macterah’s nod, she continued, “So, it’s a good thing that I’ve been busy trying to replace those that you bought the last time you were here.  Just what and how many were you looking to buy today?”

Mac and Val discussed potions and prices as the rest of the group wandered around the shop.  Cirilli’s eyes took in everything she saw, with longing looks at the items she really had no idea of what they were, but were, nevertheless oh-so-interesting.  Vaz, his arm around Atalaya’s waist, waited patiently, knowing that the next stop would be to find a seller for the ammunition they wanted.  

The trip through town to get the arrows was completed quickly, Cirilli handled her new arrows with reverence. She carefully placed them into one of the compartments of her quiver and then pulled them back out as she walked.  Learning the motion to grab the arrow she wanted each time she reached.  Several of the people passing by eyed her warily, but as she never touched the bow slung across her shoulders they would just shrug and walk on by.  

As they headed towards the wagons, Tifinin, "Just Tifinin", spoke up.  “I want to try dispelling magic on Sorrow before we leave him here.  In all the stress of our conversations yesterday, we never actually tried that.  I can’t leave him without trying at least once more.” 

The others nodded, agreeing with him.  As they approached the area in front of the town walls where all the refugees had set up their small camps, Tif and Ivar headed over to Sorrow’s wagon.  Myricia flew overhead as they knocked on the door.  The rest of the group headed on towards the other two wagons, hoping that with fewer people confronting him, Sorrow would feel less threatened and be willing to talk with Tif.  Vaz, Cirilli and Atalaya started securing items in Vaz’s wagon in preparation for their return to Saltmarsh to collect their boat, the Hond Ebrath.  


Suddenly Myricia’s worried voice sounded in Atalaya’s mind.  “Trouble.  Tif’s in trouble.  You need to help him.”  Looking at the others, she saw that they heard the same call for help.  Grabbing her bow and quiver and tossing them over her shoulder, she quickly belted on her sword and raced with the others back towards Sorrow’s vardo.  Tif could be seen, doubled over in laughter.  Ivar and Sorrow were confronting each other and the air was heavy with suppressed tension.  Atalaya looked back and forth between the two of them and Tif.  Tif seemed okay, but unable to stop laughing.  She felt as if she could feel the air crackling between Sorrow and Ivar.  

Worried that Sorrow was about to do something that they would all regret later Atalaya pulled out her wand of paralysis and shot off a charge directly at Sorrow.  His hand froze even as he raised it to do who knew what.  He remained in place, as still as a statue and Atalaya could make out Hope hovering to his side in the doorway.  It would be a tricky shot, but Atalaya knew that she needed to remove her as a threat to Sorrow and the rest of them.  Grabbing her bow and pulling out one of her magicked arrows she shot directly at her, being pretty sure that she hit Hope, even though it was obvious that she hadn’t killed her outright.  Steadily she drew more arrows, and aimed for the tiefling trying to hide behind the edge of the doorway.  It was difficult to get a shot through but Atalaya kept up her barrage of arrows, being careful to avoid her friends as they pulled Sorrow out of the doorway.  

That gave her a slightly better view into the vardo.  She was aware of Vaz and Cirilli also shooting their bows.  She wasn’t exactly sure where Seraphina and Mac had gotten to, but knew that they would be doing what they could to eliminate the threat that Hope presented to the group.  Atalaya heard the sounds of a magic missile going off inside the wagon and knew that Mac had to be nearby.  

Suddenly, foul smelling undead creatures appeared.  One just outside the vardo near the front wheel and another in the doorway which immediately attacked Vaz.  Vaz defeated it easily, lobbing off pieces of its undead flesh and then cutting off its head.  The smell of sulfur wafted across the area outside the vardo as it died (again).  Atalaya continued to shoot at Hope and the undead creature before her.  Suddenly Hope’s form shifted and a demonic looking, vampire-tiefling-like creature replaced Hope and flew off, and disappearing. Changing planes, thought Atalaya. What have we gotten ourselves into here? That’s the second demon we have seen this week.  First Baazka and now this thing.  

With the departure of Hope, the fight ended and Atalaya raced over to Sorrow.  He appeared groggy  and moved stiffly as he tried to sit up.  “What?  What happened?  Where am I?”  Sorrow’s confusion was easy for Atalaya to read as he struggled to orient himself.  Mac stalked up to him as he sat there trying to figure out what had just happened and kicked him.  Atalaya looked on with horror as she saw Mac’s foot connect with Sorrow and his hand come up as he reflexively defended himself from Mac’s attack.  The hellish flames surround Mac for a moment and she visibly flinched, feeling them attack her body for a moment.  Atalaya carefully reached out, turning Sorrow’s head to look at her and demanding his attention.  

As the effects of the paralysis spell wore off he became more oriented, it became more and more obvious that he had been under that creature’s spell.  Atalaya reached into her Goodberry pouch and brought out 3 of them.  “Here, eat these.  It will help some.”  Sorrow’s hand shook as he reached for the berries.  Atalaya watched to be sure he ate each and every one of them.  Then she helped him to stand and walk back to the vardo.  

Atalaya helped him into the vardo, demanding to know what if anything of Hope’s was inside of it and ruthlessly tossing each item out.  Hope's lap harp was still lying on the small table.  Looking at with distrust, Atalaya called for Mac and asked her to use her dispel magic spell on it.  Only after Mac completed that did Atalaya toss it out of the vardo, throwing it as far as she could.  She didn’t know if it had ever had the ability to bespell Sorrow, but she directed all her hatred for the creature that had been Hope and her frustration at not being able to kill it onto the harp as she threw it.  

As they decided on their next moves, Atalaya kept looking for some of the guard to appear and demand to know what was going on.  It seemed improbable that they hadn’t noticed the commotion around the vardo but no one came to inquire about what had just happened.  Yes the vardo had hidden the undead creatures from the sight of those on the walls, but the fight, though quickly concluded, had not been silent.  But there was no sign of the guard.  Glad that they were not going to have to explain fleeing demons and undead creatures on the caravan grounds, Atalaya searched for her spent arrows, gathered up Cirilli’s and Vaz’s, and generally tried to remove all signs of the recent fight. 


They gathered up the horses and hitched up the vardos, ready at last to head towards Saltmarsh.  Seraphina and Tif agreed to manage Sorrow’s wagon as Sorrow collapsed onto his bunk, passing into what Atalaya hoped would be a restorative sleep.  The rest of the party divided up into the remaining two vardos and with a crack of the reins, they headed away from Riverport.  


The 1 ½ day journey to Saltmarsh was uneventful.  They had followed the High Road to the cutoff for Saltmarsh.  For once they made the journey with no chance encounters with the denizens of the marsh or any of the recent influx of goblins, orcs or gnolls.  They did see several groups of the Duke's guards patrolling the roadway.  Once in Saltmarsh, and across the bridge that caused Atalaya’s skin to crawl every time she crossed it, they headed to the Greenleaf’s farm.  They stowed the wagons in the barnyard and visited briefly with Ivar’s family as they sent a message to Annie to gather the crew and get the ship ready to head out to Waterdeep.  

Atalaya spent a short period of time in the field where Luna grazed contentedly.  “Soon she won’t even know me if we don’t stop this constant movement up and down the coast in our ship.” she thought as she buried her face into the llama's soft neck.  Then, pulling an apple out of her pocket, she cut it into small pieces and fed Luna the treat, with many pats and nuzzling between each bite.  Once the apple was gone, Atalaya sighed, gave Luna a final hug and turned back towards the house where her friends were still talking to Ivar’s family.  When a message was brought to them that Annie had the crew gathered they said their goodbyes and headed to the Hond Ebrath

Once onboard, they stowed their gear and helped to make ready to sail.  Sorrow disappeared into his hammock, tired out from the journey and the need to interact with the Greenleafs.  Seraphina disappeared into the galley and started to prepare a meal for everyone.  On the deck Cirilli climbed up into the crow’s nest, one of her favorite spots on the boat and helped Kyle keep a lookout as they sailed up the coast.  Ivar went to the ship’s wheel and took over the sailing of the ship.  Tif and Grinda played on the masthead for a while.  Atalaya and Vaz stood along the seaward side of the ship watching the horizon, softly talking.  Mac and Joan were engaged in their own activities.  

After sailing for a while, Cirilli began waving frantically to Ivar, pointing to the stern of the boat.  Looking back, Ivar noticed a squat ship following them. Cirilli then whistled and the others looked up and saw her pointing behind them.  They rushed to the stern to see what she was concerned about.   As it continued to gain on them, the feeling of unease increased.  After a bit the ship was close enough for them to recognize it as the Tamarind, a ship that they had already had one unsettling encounter with shortly after acquiring the Hond Ebrath.  (A cargo ship which, from the look of her, has seen much better days. She moves sluggishly along, sitting low in the water, her hull scarred with old scuffs and scratches, her paint worn and faded, and her sails covered in patches. A tarnished nameplate labels her the “Tamarind”). As if they had rehearsed it many times, everyone moved into position to defend their ship.  Cirilli and Kyle remained in the crow’s nest, Atalaya moved to the stern of the boat with her longbow at the ready.  Annie manned the stern ballista, Lonnie went immediately to the starboard ballista and Rogelio headed to the port ballista.  Tif, Grinda, Vaz and Joan ranged themselves along the side of the boat, each drawing their own ranged weapons.  Tif, mentally reviewing the spells he knew, decided on making an illusion of a giant stone splashing into the water in front of the Tamarind, hoping to startle the crew and maybe even make them turn away.

No such luck.  The captain of the approaching ship called out, ordering them to prepare to be boarded as he planned to take their ship, promising to set them ashore once they complied with his order.

Ivar didn’t even give a verbal response to that ridiculous demand.  He glanced briefly at the crew and his adventuring band and maneuvered the boat for the greatest speed that he could coax out of the sails.  

Once the ship was within Atalaya’s bow’s range she let fly several arrows aimed directly at the pirates’ captain.  Both hit their mark, and the captain roared out his anger as he tried to pull the arrows out.  Battle ensued quickly after that.  Lonnie taking out the pirate ship’s sails with the ballista.  Annie aiming at the ship’s wheel.  Arrows flew at the crew members and at the ballista.  Mac, using a spell that she had recently mastered, gave Annie’s ballista the ability to fling flaming arrows, which she made good use of, setting the Tamarind afire.  The ship’s wheel was also afire.  The rest continued to shoot at the pirates and their ballista. As the sails became more tattered the Tamarind was unable to keep up with Hond Ebrath and fell steadily behind.  As they moved steadily away, the pirates could be seen frantically trying to put out the fires in the mid deck region of their ship.  

After examining the ship, Ivar stated that we got off lightly.  No sail damage and only minor damage to the aft ballista.  

Seraphina called everyone down to the tables and served a warm meal that she had kept warm for them as they fought on the deck above her.  When asked why she didn’t join them, she answered that she didn’t have the best skills for that type of fighting and someone had to be sure that they got fed.  Looking directly at Atalaya she added, “and if by some unheard of chance they made it onto the boat and down here, I would have made sure they never made it back to the top deck.”

Sorrow remained in his room, avoiding everyone. 


By the next evening, the Hond Ebrath sailed into the port at Waterdeep.  Berthing was arranged for the week and a report of the attempted boarding by the crew of the Tamarind was reported to the port authorities.  Then leaving the crew to make repairs and settle the ship for the night, Atalaya and her friends headed into the port district to have a meal at the Friendly Flounder.  

Atalaya made sure that Vaz's face was covered as much as possible with his cloak’s hood as they walked through the streets.  

Session Ends


Sword Coast Trader Bank Statement


Quartermaster’s Quarterly 7/23/21 ( 5th of Kythorn)

 Quartermaster’s Quarterly   7/23/21 ( 5th of Kythorn)

Hond Ebrath balance:  (Cash on the ship)

920 GP (after 5 GP paid for a week in dock in Waterdeep)

1089 SP

21 CP

SwordCoast Trader Bank (Riverport)

Beginning Balance:    11,334 GP 599 SP

Expenditures 2nd day of Kythorn

11 regular Healing potions    385 GP

10 Greater Healing potions  1667 GP

12 (+2) crossbow bolts (Tiff) 480 GP

5 (+1) crossbow bolts (Cirilli) 250 GP

5 (+!) Arrows (Grinda) 250 GP

1 cloak with hood (Grinda) 5 SP

TOTAL SPENT 3,032 GP and 5 SP

BANK BALANCE 8,302 GP and 594 SP

We still have 71 GP and 277 SP from the goons in the Elve’s Manor House (In the bag of holding for emergencies)

The iron Kettle with 100 iron arrowheads and a whetstone is on the ship.

Respectfully submitted to the Captain, Wayward Travelers,  and Crew

Macterah Danorae  (Quartermaster)

5th of Kythorn

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

1. The Master's Vault (contains spoilers)

 The Master's Vault by James Introcaso is a really fun little module that is excellent for teaching people how to play D&D. It's also excellent for learning how to run a D&D game as a dungeon master. I've been running games since I was 15, but there's never an end to learning, and I was still fairly new to running games entirely on Roll20. Still, it was a great start to our campaign. 

The premise is that the player characters are alumni of a great teacher, Elaria Feywing.

The first part of the module is sort of a final exam sort of situation, where the players have to go into Elaria's basement and kill some Rodents of Unusual Size. The second part is when they come back together after a time for her funeral. In this campaign, were her last and favorite group of summer students, in the year 1481, Dale Reckoning.

I was planning to run this module as sort of a one-off for teaching purposes and then launch into our normal campaign, but my players really embraced the idea that they were ex-classmates. As it turned out, this unassuming little module turned out to be the basis of our entire campaign. I find the idea that the players are all ex-classmates and have come together for a common goal to be a whole lot less contrived than a bunch of random dungeons and dragons characters meeting in a tavern. 

So anyway, our four player characters, Macterah Danorae (a copper Dragonborn druid), Ivar Greenleaf (a half-elven ex-sailor rogue from Saltmarsh)), Atalaya Loravaris (a half-elven ranger from the High Forest), and Tifinin ("Just Tifinin"), a halfling bard, find themselves in the lake town of Parabor for their teacher's funeral. 

Of course, this wouldn't be a Dungeons and Dragons game if we didn't discover that their beloved mentor had been murdered. She leaves them her house and some cryptic notes that lets them know that they must embark on a series of small side quests that will take them to different areas of the valley. They must collect nine tiles and bring them back to the house.

The module contains three side adventures that the players can choose to do in any order before heading back to the house for the final challenge. They are, in no particular order:

The Staircase Cliffs

The goal of this adventure is to get the players to learn how to climb up an obstacle, in this case cliffs that look like giant stairs. There are holes in the cliffs where flying serpents will come out and bite the players, forcing them to fight from a precarious foothold.

If you are running this module, you might want to tweak this part of it simply because the players are first-level squishies at this point. And, as written, the mechanics for getting up the cliff are a bit dry. So use your judgment on how to run this part of it. 

At the top is a Dragonborn hermit named Alcaeus. He will take care of the players' injuries, feed them, and send them on their way with three of the tiles.

Vixthra's Lair

This is a hidden cave behind a waterfall full of kobolds, and of course, traps. This is probably my favorite of the three side adventures.

One of the reasons I really like running on Roll20 is because Roll20 allows you to set up traps on different layers and spring them on your players as they stumble into them. You don't have to roll to see if your player falls into the trap because it's right there hidden on the map. If your player moves into that square, boom. Player in a trap! It kind of gives you a more realistic, real-time feel.

But anyway, the traps make the fight with the kobolds a heck of a lot more interesting. There is a curtain in the back of the cave, behind which is a kobold shaman and a giant descending spider.

Very interesting low-level combat.

Here's another cool thing that I've noticed about Roll20: If you use Dynamic Lighting and you allow your players the use of working torches, your players will very quickly learn to throw the torches to illuminate areas before they enter them. I love this. This adds a whole other level of immersion and strategy to your game.

Three more tiles glow from the cobwebs in the ceiling.

Dolor Forest

This leg of the journey is to teach the players about rolling for abilities and role-playing. They will battle their way through wolves and oppressive gloom to reach a remote gravesite in the forest, the final resting place of Helene, The Elaria's late friend. She will ask the players a series of questions and they will have to role-play their way through convincing her and proving their worth. She has the final three tiles.

The Master's Vault

The player characters now make their way home and use the tiles to unlock a  mysterious door in the backyard. What's cool about this on Roll20 is that the module gives you a really nice puzzle page that the players will actually have to work in real-time. They will use the blue tiles and place them on a board in the correct order and when they get it right a word will pop up and the door will open. 

Inside is an elaborately tiled vault with a dias in the back containing artifacts on pedestals. A magical message is triggered and their teacher appears, confessing that she had become embroiled in a plot involving an artifact of power called the Eye of Death, and keeping it out of the hands of an evil cult.

When the players enter, the big bad villain, an evil necromancer who was responsible for the demise of their teacher, presents himself. He is accompanied by a team of skeletons, ready to battle the now second-level player characters. 

What makes this battle particularly fun and interesting is that there are columns in the room that shoot damaging radiant beams at random creatures. The radiant beams are triggered by the presence of undead. As long as the skeletons are still animated, the beams will keep shooting every round. And everyone in the room, regardless of what team they're on, is a potential target.

I actually set up my map so that it had beam trigger tokens on the map itself* (You do not need a subscription to pull this off). All I had to do was click on them and it would trigger an animation and a series of rolls that would tell me if it hit anybody and how much damage it did. So every round, one of these suckers would light up and target somebody.

It certainly added a layer of chaos to the fight, especially when the players figured out it was indiscriminately targeting everyone in the room! "Great, thanks Teach!" 

My players did really well. They emerged victorious and inherited Elaria's magical sword, a bag of cash, a few minor magic items, a map, and their teacher's journal.

Here ends the module.

Now, there are a lot of questions that the module doesn't answer. What's in the journal? What's the story with this cult trying to get their hands on the Eye of Death? Where is the Eye of Death now? What are we supposed to do at this point??

I thought it was a great premise for a campaign, so I answered those questions by writing out the pertinent parts of the journal. I also turned the map they found into an escape room-type puzzle to send them to the next leg of their journey. More on this in another post.

* The code for the macro is {{Radient Damage5=[[2d4]]}} {{Saving Throw=DC13vsDEX}} /fx beam-magic @{target|Caster|token_id} @{target|Foe|token_id}

It's inelegant, but it works. Like I said, you don't need a subscription to use this simple macro.

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Session 0

 At the beginning of the pandemic, my friend and bandmate, Bob, asked me if I might consider running a 5e Dungeons and Dragons game online. I was already using Roll20 for in-person games, but this would be a shift to an entirely online game. I would need to teach him and what would end up being my other two bandmates how to use Roll20, but also teaching them how to play Fifth Edition D&D. Two players had played before, but only tabletop and not 5e. The third player had never played. So we had quite a project ahead of us. 

After getting my little group set up and teaching them the basics, it hit me: I have an old friend I love to game with, and who lives in another town. I keep my tables small when I run games, but I had a place for one more player, and she immediately came to mind. So I invited her and she agreed. 

Here's a note for you DMs and GMs out there about teaching your players Roll20: pretty much the first thing they will figure out how to do is put graffiti on your maps. That's okay. It's their world, too. 

I had planned to run a simple module I had run before for our first session (Tomb of Crossed Words by Richard Jansen-Parkes). Roll20, however, frequently gifts subscribers with free resources, and so I found myself with a free copy of The Master's Vault by James Introcaso. It's the perfect starter module, both for learning/teaching 5e and also for Roll20. 

And so we were ready to embark on our first adventure. 

Cut Scene: Palace of Heart's Desire

  Cut scene:  Palace of Heart’s Desire, 5th of Flamerule?  Atalaya, her arm around Cirilli’s waist, followed Thinnings through the corrido...